
  • Roy Andersson UNIVERSITY WEST
  • Yinef Pardillo-Baez Jönköping University
  • Daniel Alejandro de los Rios Pérez Jönköping University
  • Eduardo Bridi CREA/SC
  • Márcio Lopes Pimenta UFU
  • Juliano Endrigo Sordan School of Technology of Sertãozinho


Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; agility; supply chain; agile supply chain.


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether a combined Lean Six Sigma (L6S) philosophy can help to improve agility on supply chain and companies. Individual organizations cannot get agility, until they invest in their supply chain’s agility. Agile Supply Chain is recognized as very difficult to achieve in practice, and use of Lean Six Sigma Philosophy can be one option to get it.

Design/methodology/approach: The research follows the cases study methodology. A theory background is used with the objective of know how the executives and academics see the concept of agility in supply chain (sc) and companies. Furthermore, multiple-case study has been performed, by means of qualitative methods of data collection, such as observations, document analysis and face-to-face interviews with different specialist. Pattern matching is used to compare the empirical result with the predictive one from literature.

Findings: This research demonstrate positively that L6S can help to improve to agility on supply chain and companies. The seven companies included in the study have integrated some tools and methods from both philosophies and all have aligned L6S with good results in agility concept. Also, shows that using L6S philosophy production speed will increase and responsiveness and flexibility will improve combined with a more robust process. It has been indicated that agility implies increased variation, where a Six Sigma approach is useful controlling and monitoring such variations. 

Originality/value: The research point out that a combined Lean Six Sigma philosophy develop the Agile Supply Chain and companies. Lean and Agility philosophies are closely related, and the Lean philosophy may be one stage into the development of agility. Although at the same time, they differ in many respects.

Paper type: Case study.



Biografia do Autor


Professor PhD; Department for Engineering Science, University West; University West, S-461 32 Trollhättan, Sweden. E-mail: roy.andersson@hv.se

Yinef Pardillo-Baez, Jönköping University

Professor PhD; School of Engineering, Jönköping University; P.O Box 1026, SE-551 11 Jönköping, Sweden. E-mail: yinef.partillobaez@ju.se


Daniel Alejandro de los Rios Pérez, Jönköping University

 Doctoral Candidate in Business Administration; Media, Management and Transformation Center;  Jönköping International Business School; Jönköping University; Sweden. E-mail: daniel.delosriosperez@ju.se


Eduardo Bridi , CREA/SC

PhD; Corporate University of CREA-SC; Santa Catarina, Brazil. E-mail: bridi@crea-sc.org.br


Márcio Lopes Pimenta, UFU

Professor PhD; School of Business and Management, Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. E-mail: pimenta@ufu.br

Juliano Endrigo Sordan, School of Technology of Sertãozinho

Professor PhD; School of Technology of Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail: juliano.sordan@fatec.sp.gov.br



2023-09-22 — Atualizado em 2023-11-01


Como Citar

Andersson, R., Pardillo-Baez, Y., Pérez, D. A. de los R., Bridi , E., Pimenta, M. L., & Sordan, J. E. (2023). LEAN SIX SIGMA PHILOSOPHY CREATE COMPANIES AND SUPPLY CHAINS THAT IS AGILE. Revista UNICREA - Revista Técnico Científica Da Universidade Corporativa Do Crea-SC, 1(2), 273–297. Recuperado de https://revistaunicrea.crea-sc.org.br/index.php/revistaunicrea/article/view/35 (Original work published 22º de setembro de 2023)


